These are some of Classic Sport Horses'
favorite links. Take a moment to check out some of these pages...we have
no vested interest in these links, they are there for your enjoyment and

Featherlite has a number of horse
trailers of all sizes and types, including trailers for big horses.
Looking for horse trailers with spacious and luxury living quarters?
Then consider customizing your own unique
Featherlite Country Estate luxury horse trailer
American Warmblood Registry
AWR is the only American Sport horse Breed Organization who is a member of the World Breed Federation for
Sport Horses.
American Warmblood Society
The American Warmblood Society (AWS) is an international, non-profit Performance Registry, whose only goal and purpose is to represent, promote, award and aid in the development of an Olympic quality Equine Competitor worldwide.
International Museum of the Horse
“The International Museum of the Horse is committed
to educating the general public, equestrian and academic communities
about the relationship between man and the horse throughout history and
the world.”
Trailer World If you're in the market for a new or used horse
trailer this is the place to look! They have new and used listings
from just about every state.
NA/WPN NA/WPN stands for
"North American Department, Royal Warmblood Studbook of the
Netherlands", now known as "The Dutch Warmblood Studbook in North
(ISR) and
Oldenburg The goal of the International Sporthorse Registry
(ISR) and Oldenburg Registry NA is to assist as an open Sporthorse
Registry in the development of<<Selection in Document>> breeding top performance horses through
the establishment of an effective and uniform standard of evaluation.
